Thursday, 19 August 2010
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Just got into bed after a really nice night at the cinema :) Inception! Really good! Confusing in places but had some guidance! lol...
Relieved to know I've got a lie in tomorrow! Worked quite hard all weekend! Nice to have time away from that damn shop!
Roll on 12th August...I'm thinking maybe a meal n a few drinks is in order :) xxx
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Lazy Sunday Morning...
Lie in til 12...lazy I know, but I needed it! Worked hard this weekend!
After a coffee and bacon butty I'm ready to get down to some more work for uni...deadlines mid September n I've only got half alphabets done...can't decide which idea to go for! I'll get some photos up, please leave your opinions :)
Soundtrack for the day, which I can't stop listening to!
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Friday, 23 July 2010
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Just got back from my first walk with Maizie on my own in weeks. Felt good to get out n have some time alone! I'll post the photo later!
Now to order some more stock for that fun-day I've got booked! Omg can't wait for the dosh! I need it...£400=mahusive night out and a shoppin spree! Although... I am dreading the actual day! 20 13yr old girls with tons of beads going everywhere! BUT! If everything goes well I may get some more booked there and then?? Fingers crossed!
After a long day of hacking away at my summer project I think it's time for a nice hot brew, few cheeky biccies and chill out with BB at 10! Addicted!
The past few weeks have been dreadful!
I've been surfin' the web, shoppin, ebayin, drinkin! Anythin but facing whats actually going on in my life. And's hit home.
Fours long years, of what I stupidly thought was a happily ever after story, has ended. And undeniably, I'm at a loose end!
It's made me realise how many friends I've lost/neglected (but now regaining). How many nights out I could have enjoyed...gone! And some things aren't as they always seemed!
Lot's to think about...
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
It's been a while!
Since finishing Uni for what they call Summer! Iv'e neglected my dear blog :( but I'm back! :P
Look what I found on stumble upon, find it rather amaaaazing!
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Gorgeous Jewellery!

While doing some research for ideas for my bracelets I came across some gorgeous jewellery sites and thought I'd share a few! Enjoy!
Emma Carroll makes her jewellery from natural Italian Leather:
Spin thread create embroidered accessories:
and I loved Rock n' Rose's contemporary, vintage jewellery!
Hope you like them as much as I do!
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Something to pass the time!
After completing the Creative Business elective, I decided to continue selling my own products that I made to get rid of them. After quite a bit of interest from family and friends I decided to set up my own little "business".
I've bought new beads and jewels to create more expensive bracelets; Hopefully I will sell a few via Ebay, Facebook, Family/Friends and a Summer stall at a local school.
Please visit my Facebook page and look at the bracelets I've made so far!
Ebay has yet to be set up!
Friday, 16 April 2010
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Practice Run
After not being able to get a table in the SU for the past few weeks we took the last available slot today.
With it being the last week or in somecases last day before Easter we knew it would be very quiet and that people would have gone or be getting ready to go home for the holidays. Therefore we decided to use it as a practice run. This would enable us to see what we were lacking and improve for the next stall after Easter.
By doing this we learned that we should spread out or make rotas for everyone in the group because we felt some people may have been intimidated by 6 people stood behind the table! By organising rotas and having 2 or 3 people at a time behind the stall we may encourage more sales!
We also realised our table didn't look very attractive; we need a cloth for next time and also a banner!
Another problem we came across is that nobody knew we were doing it for Breast Cancer so we had to explain when people came to the table. Next time we are going to have a poster and a small picture frame on the table holding a brief summary of what we're doing.
The biggest problem we had was change for any sales we had! We were all short on cash as our loans were wearing thin, but after Easter we will have enough money for each of to gather up some change and organise a float!
On the plus side, to day we made a total of £33!
Monday, 22 March 2010
Having recently been taught the importance of pricing and how many different types of pricing there are, the group and myself decided to figure out what would be the best strategy for us.
We are donating all proceeds of "Brace Yourself" to Breast Cancer Awareness therefore we really want to try and make a profit on every item. Therefore we have gone for the Cost-plus pricing strategy. This way we are getting back what we paid to produce the jewellery and making a small profit on every sale. This will also keep it straight forward when working out the facts and figures after the stall!
We do not have a set "plus" price to put on top of the cost of production, so we have added on what ever the group felt it was worth and also taking into account the results of the survey!
Saturday, 20 March 2010
Advertising the Event
Like any business we needed to advertise our stall; after talking about it amongst ourselves we came to the decision of advertising through posters, flyers and facebook (link below)
We felt that we didn't need to do a survey on advertising as we are the target audience we know what type of promotion would work. We put posters up all over the university, including the Library and the SU; where we would be setting up our stall.

The posters were designed by the two lads, Andrew and Ian. I think they're brilliant, they are bound to get us some sales! Hopefully our jewellery lives up to the standard of the posters!
Fingers crossed!
Monday, 15 March 2010
In the process of...

After the first session of making the bracelets I went home and made some improvements.
After showing my younger sisters friends (possible targets!) they suggested making the bracelets elasticated. I went away and tried this by simply weaving some thin, transparent elastic through the braided wool and ribbon. This was a success and also improved the appearance of the bracelets by gathering the materials up and giving them more volume! (Top Photo)
Thanks 'sister's friends!' :D
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
The ball (or should I say button) is rolling!
Today we got down and dirty with some wool, ribbon, and buttons!
Me and the other girls in our group started to make the bracelets today. We have come up with a plan that each of us have a certain colour to concentrate on. This will help us to avoid all going away and producing the same coloured bracelets at home!
The results of the questionnaire revealed that the most popular product is a bracelet, followed by rings. Therefore we have set ourselves a target of 20bracelets each (80 units in total). After this we will begin to make around 5 rings each and if there is enough time left we will start of bag charms or keyrings which came joint 3rd in popularity!
Fingers Crossed!
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
After deciding on the business idea of Jewellery for Mothers Day, we started to get the ball rolling by focusing on the all important Market Research. We created a survey using Survey Monkey, this will help us gather information from our target audience which will then help us to market the product appropriately in regards of Price, Place and Promotion.
Here is the Survey, feel free to complete it! :)
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Heat reactive wallpaper!
Saturday, 6 February 2010
Looks like good!
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Magazine! DONE!
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Night out in Burnley!
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Virgin Blogger!
Hmm, what to write!
As my title say's, I have never blogged in my life; but I have now been introduced to it via my elective, Creative Business. This will be my visual diary for the next Semester...maybe even longer!
Hopefully I won't bore you...Enjoy!
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