Tuesday, 27 July 2010


Just got into bed after a really nice night at the cinema :) Inception! Really good! Confusing in places but had some guidance! lol...

Relieved to know I've got a lie in tomorrow! Worked quite hard all weekend! Nice to have time away from that damn shop!

Roll on 12th August...I'm thinking maybe a meal n a few drinks is in order :) xxx

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Lazy Sunday Morning...

Lie in til 12...lazy I know, but I needed it! Worked hard this weekend!

After a coffee and bacon butty I'm ready to get down to some more work for uni...deadlines mid September n I've only got half alphabets done...can't decide which idea to go for! I'll get some photos up, please leave your opinions :)

Soundtrack for the day, which I can't stop listening to!


Saturday, 24 July 2010

I wouldn't deny you that...

Happy 20th Birthday Carl....Celebrate hard!

Best wishes,

Victoria x

Friday, 23 July 2010

Off to work today! Quite glad! Something to do n it'll get me out of this house!

Really hope things are starting to get better, once everything is done and dusted and calmer we can start to move on...I'd love to make that call today but think it's best I wait til after the 5th.

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Don't believe a single word...

Give me your hand, Let's face this night and see it though....

Absolutely love this song/band!


Just got back from my first walk with Maizie on my own in weeks. Felt good to get out n have some time alone! I'll post the photo later!

Now to order some more stock for that fun-day I've got booked! Omg can't wait for the dosh! I need it...£400=mahusive night out and a shoppin spree! Although... I am dreading the actual day! 20 13yr old girls with tons of beads going everywhere! BUT! If everything goes well I may get some more booked there and then?? Fingers crossed!

After a long day of hacking away at my summer project I think it's time for a nice hot brew, few cheeky biccies and chill out with BB at 10! Addicted!


The past few weeks have been dreadful!

I've been surfin' the web, shoppin, ebayin, drinkin! Anythin but facing whats actually going on in my life. And tonight...it's hit home.

Fours long years, of what I stupidly thought was a happily ever after story, has ended. And undeniably, I'm at a loose end!

It's made me realise how many friends I've lost/neglected (but now regaining). How many nights out I could have enjoyed...gone! And some things aren't as they always seemed!
Lot's to think about...

Tuesday, 20 July 2010


Check out this gorgeous artwork! Who knew drawings on scrap wood would look so good!


Two words...SHIT & HOT!

It's been a while!

Since finishing Uni for what they call Summer! Iv'e neglected my dear blog :( but I'm back! :P

Look what I found on stumble upon, find it rather amaaaazing!